Investigating Windows Tryhackme Writeup
By Shamsher khan This is a Writeup of Tryhackme room “Investigation Windows”
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Note: This room is for Premium Members Only. who purchased THM premium membership.
This is a challenge that is exactly what is says on the tin, there are a few challenges around investigating a windows machine that has been previously compromised.
Connect to the machine using RDP. The credentials the machine are as follows:
Username: Administrator
Password: letmein123!
Question 1. Whats the version and year of the windows machine?
Answer: Windows server 2016
Question 2. Which user logged in last?
Answer: administrator
Question 3. When did John log onto the system last?
Answer format: MM/DD/YYYY H:MM:SS AM/PM
Answer: 03/02/2019 5:48:32 PM
Question 4. What IP does the system connect to when it first starts?
Question 5. What two accounts had administrative privileges (other than the Administrator user)?
Answer format: username1, username2
Open run command using Ctrl+R and type lusrmgr.msc
Answer: Jenny, Guest
Question 6. Whats the name of the scheduled task that is malicous.
Answer:Clean file system
Question 7. What file was the task trying to run daily?
Answer: nc.ps1
Question 8. What port did this file listen locally for?
Answer: 1348
Question 9. When did Jenny last logon?
Answer: never
Question 10. At what date did the compromise take place?
Answer format: MM/DD/YY
Answer: 03/02/2019
Question 11. At what time did Windows first assign special privileges to a new logon?
Answer format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
Answer: 03/02/2019 4:04:49 PM
Question 12. What tool was used to get Windows passwords?
Answer: Mimikatz
Question 13. What was the attackers external control and command servers IP?
Question 14. What was the extension name of the shell uploaded via the servers website?
Answer: .jsp
Question 15. What was the last port the attacker opened?
Answer: 1337
Question 16. Check for DNS poisoning, what site was targeted?
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