Linux Modules Tryhackme writeup
By Shamsher khan This is a Writeup of Tryhackme room “Linux Modules”
Room link:
Note: This room is free
This room is entirely based on, you can say revision, or may help you familiarize more with terminal.
Note: This room is purely for familiarizing more with command line (so no first bloods; Points Only) hence no need to rush, take your time in doing this room. The hints with the tasks may contain direct answers, so peek at your own risk.
Just a short intro on what’s coming ahead:
- du
- grep, egrep, fgrep
- tr
- awk
- sed
- xargs
- curl
- wget
- xxd
- and some more…
I created this list so that I could read their documentation 1 by 1, and this room is to save you from reading all those long man pages where (while reading) you might not know the exact meanings of the flag used, as you might just started linux, or may be didn’t use it till that extent to encounter that particular topic. Hope you get the idea…
Scope of this room
This room is based on understanding these tools so that they can reduce our effort while working with the command line. Also, this skill that you develop will help you manage your terminal sessions efficiently while working on a pentest or any project.
Just make sure that you’re using a linux VM, so that you can get a hands on if you want to. Or simply start the attackbox(free users can deploy the attackbox for an hour, which I think is pretty much enough time to complete this room). I highly recommend to complete the “Linux Fundamentals” rooms before proceeding further with these topics.
Happy Learning ;)
Task 2: Mountain du
About the Beverage
Jk, it’s not a beverage, du
is a command in linux (short for disk usage) which helps you identify what files/directories are consuming how much space. If you run a simple du command in terminal...
The folders in their respective folders are listed here with the size they occupy on the disk. The size here is shown in KB. Note: The files inside a folder are not shown, only the folders are listed by running du /<directory> command.
Important flags
du -a /home/ will list every file in the /home/ directory with their sizes in KB.
If there’s a lot of output you can surely use grep…
du -a /home/ | grep user will list any file/directory whose name is containing the string “user” in it.
Final Words
du command can alternate ls
with the following flags:
du — time -d 1 .
It won’t specify you the user ownership though, so you can use stat
command on the file you want to know who is the owner of that particular file
Syntax: stat
Task 3: 0xef
Here we are gonna learn about 2 brothers and their mother i.e. (egrep, fgrep, and grep).
IMPORTANT: To proceed further with this task, make sure you have completed the “Regular Expressions” room by concatenate. This room will brief you about the regular expressions that can come handy while working with egrep.
There are a lot of rooms that you must have already done where you used grep a lot of times, so most of this task will sound familiar to you, or this is your first attempt on reading about grep, in any case, a 5 min read won’t harm your busy day…
It is a must known tool to everyone and that’s why linux modules won’t be complete without doing a mention of its amazing charisma. This tool, is what filters the good output we need from the residue. The official documentation says, The grep filter searches a file for a particular pattern of characters, and displays all lines that contain that pattern. The pattern that is searched in the file is referred to as the regular expression. The pattern is what I am gonna brief you about.
Syntax: grep “PATTERN” file.txt will search the file.txt for the specified “PATTERN” string, if the string is found in the line, the grep will return the whole line containing the “PATTERN” string.
The Family Tree
egrep and fgrep are no different from grep(other than 2 flags that can be used with grep to function as both). In simple words, egrep matches the regular expressions in a string, and fgrep searches for a fixed string inside text. Now grep can do both their jobs by using -E and -F flag, respectively.
In other terms, grep -E
functions same as egrep
and grep -F
functions same as fgrep
Important Flags
You might be wondering the difference between -E and -e flag. I suggest to understand this as the following:
- -e flag can be used to specify multiple patterns, with multiple use of -e flag( grep -e PATTERN1 -e PATTERN2 -e PATTERN3 file.txt), whereas, -E can be used to specify one single pattern(You can’t use -E multiple times within a single grep statement).
Other point that you can use to understand the difference is, -e works on the BREs(Basic Regular Expressions) and -E works on EREs (Extended Regular Expressions).
- BREs tend to match a single pattern in a file (Simplest examples can be direct words like “sun”, “comic”)
- EREs tend to match 2 or more patterns in a file (To select a no of words like (sun sunyon sandston) the pattern could be “^s.*n$”).
Hope, you get an idea how this works.
Here’s a real short note, you might wanna read, on official GNU documentation: Basic vs Extended (GNU Grep 3.5). If you didn’t understand much from that paragraph, make sure, you’ve practiced your regex well.
Q.1: Is there a difference between egrep and fgrep? (Yea/Nay)
Answer: yea
Q.2: Which flag do you use to list out all the lines NOT containing the ‘PATTERN’?
Answer: -v
Download the above given file and answer the following questions.
Q.1: What user did you find in that file?
Answer: bobthebuilder
Q.2: What is the password of that user?
Answer: LinuxIsGawd
Q.3: Can you find the comment that user just left?
Answer: fs0ciety
Task 4: Did someone said STROPS?
String Manipulations (STRing OPerationS)
Many people discard this topic in their tutorials/courses, which I believe is leaving behind the true power of linux and it’s terminal interface. You ever see someone typing a very long command piping their outputs into some other commands? Well believe me when I say, you can select a single byte character from a GB long array of string bytes, if you could master that.
If you’re from a programming background you might have used indexing in arrays, slicing in python, or even grepping in terminal… All are a means of string manipulations. Especially in bash, we have a TON of tools to perform a same kind of operation, with different flags or string patterns specified, but obviously we will be choosing the one, providing us the shortest and easiest syntax possible.
For strops, we have the following tools that I always keep in my arsenal and you should too:
- tr
- awk
- sed
- xargs
Other commands to be familiar with:
- sort
- uniq
I am gonna walk you through the commands I mentioned above in the following tasks.
Task 5: Shall I try morsecode?
The answer is no… Translate command(tr
) doesn't translate morse code. A short introduction on tr command is, it can help you in number of ways, ranging from changing character cases in a string to replacing characters in a string. It's awesome at it's usage. Plus, it's the easiest command and a must know module for quick operations on strings.
tr [flags] [source]/[find]/[select] [destination]/[replace]/[change]
This I guess is an appropriate representation of how you can use this tool. Moreover, we have the following flags offered by this command:
You must have noticed the word “set” while reading the flags. Well that’s true… tr command works in sets of character.
- If you want to convert every alphabetic character to upper case.
Or I am not sure, if you ever used emojis on discord, coz on desktop app you could use emojis using :keyword:. Similarly, tr allows us to select a set by these keywords. In that case the output would be same.
cat file.txt | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
There are more of these (interpreted sequences) which you can view, by just tr --help
command. I am not including them here, because they are just straight forward, and you've been using most of them, if you're familiar with (mostly) any programming language out there.
- If you want to view creds of a user which are in digits.
You can see that I used regex here, and deleted all lower/upper case characters, including the (:) symbol and a space.
Note: This is a short note on how you can use this tool. Now try out these features on your own and get use to this tool. You can also refer to the following sites for more on the tool:
Q.1: Run tr — help command and tell how will you select any digit character in the string?
Answer: :digit:
Q.2: What sequence is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] set?
Answer: :alpha:
Q.3: What sequence is equivalent to selecting hexadecimal characters?
Answer: :xdigit:
Task 6: AWWKAY
The AWK Command
This is the most-est powerful tool in my arsenal, I can’t think of any other command that can do something and not awk. It’s like the all-in-one tool. If you ever played CSGO, you can totally relate AWK with AWP(the killer weapon).
“Awk is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports.The awk command programming language requires no compiling, and allows the user to use variables, numeric functions, string functions, and logical operators.”
Sidenote: Just because it’s the super tool, that’s not necessary that there is no need to learn about other tools. The awk commands can be fairly longer to solve an operation than that of sed or xargs. A GNU project of awk (namely, gawk) which is also the one installed on every linux distro, is compatible with both awk and nawk( New-awk; also project by AT&T).
awk [flags] [select pattern/find(sort)/commands] [input file]
Note: awk does support getting output via piping.
- If the commands you wrote are in a script you can execute the script commands by using the
flag and specifying the name of the script file. (awk -f script.awk input.txt
Using AWK
- To simply print a file with awk.
You can see it simply just printed out data from file.txt.
- To search for a pattern inside a file you enclose the pattern in forward slashes
. For instance, if I want to know who all plays CTF competitions the command should be like:awk '/ctf/' file.txt
Built-In variables in AWK
Let’s talk a little bit about some of the in-built variables. Built-in variables include field variables ($1, $2, $3 .. $n). These field variables are used to specify a piece of data (data separated by a delimeter defaulting to space). If I run awk '{print $1 $3}' file.txt
it will list me the words that are at 1st and 3rd fields.
You can see, it joined the words together because we didn’t specify the output delimeter. We will come to that later in this task. Right now, let’s just use a “,”(comma) to bring the space.
Note: You may notice the use of {} around the print statement, that’s where we used a function. To use commands in awk scripts, you need to mention them inside a function.
Great, this seems a little nice.
Note: The $0 variable points to the whole line. Also, make sure to use single quotes(‘’) to specify patterns, awk treats double quotes(“”) as a raw string. To use double quotes make sure that you escape the ($) sign(s) with a backslash (\) each, to make it work properly.
More on variables
NR: (Number Record) is the variable that keeps count of the rows after each line’s execution… You can use NR command to number the lines (awk '{print NR,$0}' file.txt
). Note that awk considers rows as records.
FS: (Field Separator) is the variable to set in case you want to define the field for input stream. The field separation (defaut to space) that we talked above and can be altered to whatever you want while specifying the pattern. FS can be defined to another character(s)(yea, can be plural) at the BEGIN{command}.
If you don’t know the BEGIN yet, take it as a pattern that we specify and following is the action on that pattern. Similarly, there is END command, this is also a pattern that we specify, following the action to perform on that pattern, and simply, we use them to define actions like Field Separator, Record Separator etc. that are to be performed at the start and at the end of the script, respectively.
awk "BEGIN {FS='o'} {print $1,$3} END{print 'Total Rows=',NR}"
The output is weird because I separated the fields using a letter that was making sense with the words in text. In short, this is actually how a complete script is written in awk.
RS: (Record Separator): By default it separate rows with ‘\n’, you can specify something else too.
Notice that their has been a new line created wherever ‘o’ was used. It also interpreted ‘\n’ used in the text file, so there are new lines after end of every number too.
OFS: (Output Field Separator) You must have gathered some idea by the full form, it is to specify a delimeter while outputing…
I used OFS in both the commands, you can see that only in 2nd one the delimiter was used. Note that the output field separator will separate fields using (:) only when the fields are defined with the print statement. With $0 I didn’t had anything else, if it were to be $0,$0 then the lines would be joining their reflection(non-laterally) with a colon(:).
ORS: (Output Record Separator) I don’t think I really need to specify it’s usage…
My delimiter was a double new-line character.
This is not it… There is a lot more on AWK, you can do operations, find string length, use conditions to sort, regex within awk and other fun stuff. But I guess the task is already went a lot longer. Let’s quickly move on to some important flags that can come in handy while doing strops.
JIC if you wanna read more on the tool, here are some great resources regarding awk scripting.
- AWK — Workflow — Tutorialspoint (For learning awk scripting in brief and quick)
- The printf statement in awk (If you want to do more with formatting strings; you can use printf function also)
- AWK command in Unix/Linux with examples — GeeksforGeeks
- And if you really want to dive deep on this tool, do check out man pages on gawk
Important Flags
There are other flags as well, but they are of not much use. Especially if you’re learning this as a beginner
Just relax if you don’t get much of this task, learning a scripting language inside a single task is not an easy job. Just make sure you understood the above told syntax well and followed the resources, rest is all practice :-).
Ending this task with a fun fact, AWK is abbreviated after it’s creators (Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan).
Download the above given file, and use awk command to print the following output:
How will you make the output as following (there can be multiple; answer it using the above specified variables in BEGIN pattern):
Answer: awk ‘BEGIN{FS=” “; OFS=”:”} {print $1,$4}’ awk.txt
ippsec, john, thecybermentor, liveoverflow, nahamsec, stok,
Answer: awk ‘BEGIN{ORS=”, “} {print $1}’ awk.txt
Task 7: That’s what she sed
The sed life
sed(Stream EDitor) is a tool that can perform a number of string operations. Listing a few, could be: FIND AND REPLACE, searching, insertion, deletion. I think sed of a stream-oriented vi editor… Ok so a few questions popped up, like how? and what is stream-oriented? Let’s not dive deep into streams, just keep in mind that I said it in contrast with “orientation with input stream”. You can’t call vi stream oriented, because it doesn’t work with neither of input or output stream.
On the other hand, you can easily perform operations with sed command by either piping the input or redirecting(<) the input from a file. I compared it with vi, because while learning this command I kinda missed using vim, since I shifted to sublime(No offence to vim fanboys/fangirls out there, I just use sublime to keep things common between my windows and linux machine and it’s a great lightweight editor, so uk).
Syntax: sed [flags] [pattern/script] [input file]
Important Flags
The sed command
There are endless ways of using sed. I am gonna walk you through a very detailed general syntax of (mostly all) sed patterns, with some general examples. Rest is your thinking and creativity, on how YOU utilize this tool.
Hope these colors could have helped you identify the parts. If you have any previous knowledge of sed, feel free to co-relate. Again, this is just the pattern inside sed command (excluding external flags). Also, note the single quotes at the start/end.
Hmm, but may be, it’s still not clear. Alright let’s take a simple example to relate this.
Let’s not care about what’s meaning of 1,3 all that slashes, that s,g. And focus on the color codes. Hope the syntax is now making a little sense… Great. Moving forward to flags.
The purple gang
The green gang
Let’s see these in action… Explaining the previously taken command, (sed -e ‘1,3 s/john/JOHN/g’ file.txt)
- Starting with the sed keyword itself, initializes the sed command.
- With -e flag specifying that following is a script command.(you don’t need to specify -e if it’s a single command; as it will be automatically interpreted by sed as a positional argument)
- Then comes the pattern. Starting with the yellow portion is the condition(which is/are btw, generally on lines inside a file), specifying to take range of lines 1,3 (line index starts from 1) and execute the following code on that range of lines. Following a space comes the mode, specifying that we need to use a substitution mode(as we are substituting a value) by using s. Then we specify / as a delimiter to differentiate between the parts of code. After the first slash came the pattern we want to operate the substitution on(you may choose to use regex in this region too). Following the 2nd slash comes the string we want to replace the pattern with. Finally, after the last slash was an arg/flag, /g specifying to operate this operation globally, wherever the pattern was found.
- Finally was the filename we want to take input from and apply operation/code that we specified beside it.
Hope there is no confusion as per sed is concerned. Hence, the output for the above command would be like:
would be like:
Let’s view a few more examples to get the concept clear:
- Viewing a range of Lines
-n flag suppressed the output and we got the duplicates created by p arg.
- Viewing the entire file except a given range
- Viewing multiple ranges of lines inside a file
- To start searching from nth pattern occurrence in a line you can use combination of /g with /1,/2,/3.
You can see when I specified /1 it gave a change in the text, with /2 it didn’t. This is because there was only 1 occurrence of the string “youtube”, and the 2nd occurrence couldn’t be found. Also I didn’t used 1g or 2g because there were no further occurrences of the pattern, so there is no need to use it. Still it would have worked the same, if used. Try it on your own.
- If you have log files to view which have trailing white spaces, and it is hard to read them, then you can fix that using regex.
Let’s take one last example on this sed command.
- More on regex can be: Making every line to start with a bullet point and enclose the digits in square brackets… Ok, but how? Let’s first view it, and then we’ll take a look at the explanation.
“What is this?! where’s that :alpha: came from? I understand the \b is part of regex you used, following those, un-identifiable escape characters and some \1 and \2 referenced either wrong, as it’s /1, /2 to identify the nth occurrence. I mean, it’s so confusing”.
I agree, it’s so noisy, and hard to read. But believe 70% of it is nothing to do with sed
, it's all regex, so take your time. Try to understand what the regex is doing. Rest the "to-be-replaced" part is just a way sed is assigning the groups to it's default variables we created within regex.
Hope things are a little clear, by undertaking the knowledge of previous color coding. You can easily differentiate the mode, pattern, to-be-replaced string. Later I removed the background from the part belonging to the keywords in sed. As there was some issue in changing the font color, it just won’t persist.
- Starting with the regex part. Opening a group with escape character, ^ to put the cursor at the starting of the line, and then \b represents to search for beginning of a word, and then defines a set of characters to include, following a “*” to specify ’n’ number of characters. Then closes the group by escaping the closing brackets. Creating another regex group, using escape sequence, we then initialized another set and specified * at the end of the set to take n characters of that set, at last group is closed using escape sequence.
- At the replaced end, we are using escape sequences to make a bullet(it’s just a good practice to use escape sequence with every symbolic character; even if the output is same), then we have escape characters for the square brackets enclosing a sed variable /2 (after /1 which is coming up).
- Now its turn for the sed’s keyword part. We used [:alpha:] in the set defined by regex, which is nothing but another representation of using
in regex, which means to capture any alphabetic characters. sed offers such keywords(calling them "bracket expressions"), which we can use to make the input code look cleaner. Similarly we used the bracket expression for specifying digit as well which we specified using [:digit:].
Note: There’s a space after the first bracket expression inside the regex set ([[:alpha:]{space}]). As you see, this space was to indicate the regex set so that * could take multiple words until the digits start occurring in the text(regex logic).
- Then there are some in-built variables as we saw in awp awk, that we used in the to-be-replace part of sed. \1 depicted the first group which selected everything until the first character occurred. The second group comprised of a set consisting decimal characters, which were enclosed with [\2] with the use of escseq.
Here, we finished learning about sed variables, the number of groups you create with regex, can be later indexed as variable \n in sed.
Well this is pretty much it, on the sed command. If you want to learn more, check-out the resources on the sed command.
- Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples — GeeksforGeeks
- sed, a stream editor ( (Official Documentation)
- 15 Useful ‘sed’ Command Tips and Tricks for Daily Linux System Administration Tasks (
Again, if there is not much you could learn about this command don’t feel bad, just go through the resources and try practicing by making your own texts and play with this command.
Q.1: How would you substitute every 3rd occurrence of the word ‘hack’ to ‘back’ on every line inside the file file.txt?
Answer: sed ‘s/hack/back/3g’ file.txt
Q.2: How will you do the same operation only on 3rd and 4th line in file.txt?
Answer: sed ‘3,4 s/hack/back/3g’ file.txt
Q.3: Download the given file, and try formatting the trailing spaces in sed1.txt with a colon(:).
Q.4: View the sed2 file in the directory. Try putting all alphabetical values together, to get the answer for this question.
Q.5: What pattern did you use to reach that answer string?
Answer: ‘s/[[:digit:]]//g’
Alternatively, you can use tr to remove all the digits, and then pipe the output in sed to remove trailing whitespaces.
cat sed2.txt | tr ‘[:digit:]’ ‘ ‘ | sed ‘s/ *//g’
Q.6: What did she sed?(In double quotes)
Answer: “That’s What”
Task 8: My x-args a lot
xargs, a very simple command to use when it comes to make passed string a command’s argument, technically, positional argument. The official documentation says, xargs is a command line tool used to build and execute command from the standard input.
Important flags
xargs packs with a very large option of flags, although, a very simple tool to work with. You don’t have to stress too much on xargs, it is just a small tool like sort, uniq (Coming soon). Go through the following examples and then I have a useful note, on using flags as a positional arguments.
- What if we want to run multiple command with xargs in one line.
You can see I defined a variable argVar to use later in the 2 commands I ran with bash -c
- You can use xargs with conjunction to find command to enhance the search results.
Note: The find command prints results to standard output by default, so the -print
option is normally not needed, but -print0
separates the filenames with a \0 (NULL) byte so that names containing spaces or newlines can be interpreted correctly.
- You can use xargs command to grep a text from any file in any directory meeting a specific pattern/criteria.
You can see that I used xargs to grep a pattern matching anything starting with r with any bunch of characters[:alnum:] and ending with 0. Which returned me this string. If you want to practice on your own, you can find flag.txt file inside the downloaded zip archive. Pick a string find a unique pattern for it and then grep it. Peace.
Note: If the xargs is having same flags, that can also be interpreted by the following module, in that case you need not worry, because the flags used after the command are the one’s that are interpreted. Just keep that in mind and you’re good to go.
A note on XARGS (and almost every command line module in linux/unix system)
Let’s take an example from one of the rooms I solved on privilege escalating through tar running as super user. Room: Linux PrivEsc | Task 10
Gtfobins said, “tar -cf /dev/null /dev/null — checkpoint=1 — checkpoint-action=exec=/bin/sh”
Great, but the catch in the challenge was, sudo was not given to tar, SUID permissions were given to a file, which was not allowed to be edited by any other user(owner: root). So if that script has to run it will run with the root privileges. What we could do is make the files in that directory in flag format, that tar could interpret as it’s flag. So when in our case, tar would start scanning the directory to get the overview of the files to compress and combine them, it will interpret those flags and will give us root shell.
Awesome technique. Isn’t it? Well that’s not the point. The point here is, I found a little difficulty in creating those files (via command line) with — appended to them. I tried xargs but didn’t work. I then found an article here, which helped me and I solved the challenge. Then when I started with the 5th phase of hacking(Covering Tracks). I couldn’t seem to delete those earlier created --checkpoint
files with rm
. I tried for an hour or so, but couldn't and left. Well, I didn't knew this, until I started reading documentations and man pages. Call it an instinct or just luck that I found a way to escape command line flags as a positional argument. Why all this theory, when I can simply get to this point? Well, I believe that it's just a better way of learning, when you can append your learnings with an event that had previously occurred. So later, I was able to remove the files using the following command.
rm -- --checkpoint=1
rm -- --checkpoint-action=exec=sh
Notice something different? I was able to escape the following flags using an empty flag notation. Infact. This padding technique works in ALMOST EVERY command line module available for linux, unix systems. Let’s see this in action with xargs, and know that if this theory actually works.
You can see the rm didn’t interpreted the files inside directory as a flag when used — padding. Also before we move forward, I want to show one more thing…
Wutt? I gave the padding it still showed me an error. Hmm… Did you found what was the issue? Well even if you specify that padding to escape the flags there are ‘/’s inside this string, which are making touch
to interpret them as create the file bash, inside bin directory that is inside, some --checkpoint-action=exec= directory. You may try using \/bin\/bash to escape the slashes, but that won't work either, because files can't contain slashes in their name.
We can easily bypass this by just using bash or sh instead of specifying the whole path, but make sure that your path is set to normal. Moving forward…
Focus on the -n2 I used after xargs. 2 arguments at once, in first loop touch -- --checkpoint=1
, then touch -- --checkpoint-action=exec=sh
. Now let's try running tar.
Ohh ok, I see where the problem occurred, those 2 flag files that we created were interpreted as flags and then tar had nothing to compress, that’s not a problem, let’s create a testfile…
Bingo, we got a shell(not as root, because that was executed as my user. Could give us root, if ran as it).
Hope this last was a good example on xargs usage. Remember, xargs is a great command when it comes to handling command line arguments. It’s not a very vast tool which you could dive in. Though it has max-ly covered all the areas in it’s domain of passing and handling arguments to other modules/commands. Like a sidekick, this can help you ease your daily tasks. So keep a space for this tool in your arsenal.
Q.1: You’re working in a team and your team leader sent you a list of files that needs to be created ASAP within current directory so that he can fake the synopsis report (that needs to be submitted within a minute or 2) to the invigilator and change the permissions to read-only to only you(Numberic representation). You can find the files list in the “one” folder.
Use the following flags in ASCII order:
- Verbose
- Take argument as “files”
Answer: cat file | xargs -I files -t sh -c “touch files; chmod 400 files”
Q.2: You can find the files for this task in two folder.
Answer: ls | xargs -I word -n 1 -t sh -c ‘echo word >> shortrockyou; rm word’
Q.3: Which flag to use to specify max number of arguments in one line.
Answer: -n
Q.4: How will you escape command line flags to positional arguments?
Answer: —
Task 9: There’s always a special mention… Isn’t it?
This task is going to be a quick introduction to 2 very awesome commands: uniq
and sort
uniq command
- Unique command filters the output (from either a file or stdin) to remove any duplicates. Thus we get all unique lines and shorter output to focus on. This command greatly reduces stress on searching through file with repeated line outputs.
- There is one catch though, uniq command, ONLY, identifies the duplicate lines, if they are adjacent to each other. So you know why do we need a command to
lines first.
sort command
- sort command, as the name suggests sorts the lines alphabetically and numerically, automatically. All you got to do is pipe the stdin into sort command.
Important Flags for uniq
Important Flags for sort
And this is it for these 2 short commands. Now, if you want to remove any duplicate lines, a power combo would be sort
the lines and then use uniq
on the output.
sort file.txt | uniq
Q.1: Download the file given for this task, find the uniq items after sorting the file. What is the 2271st word in the output.
Answer: lollol
Q.2: What was the index of term ‘michele’
Answer: 2550
Task 10: cURL or cRAWl
cURL(stands for crawl URL; It outputs the data of a URLs webpage in a raw format). Another amazing command to perform activities that you can do with your browser, in just a terminal way. You can’t download cat pictures from a direct google search and right clicking > save the image. But with a little grepping and pattern matching iframes, that can be possible too. There are a lot of things that you can do with curl, ranging from getting an offline copy of a webpage(grepping the sensitive information later), to download V. large files or activating webshells(for a reverse connection) just by curl-ing the URL.
curl is a very easy command to use once you get hold of it’s flags, rest is just self-explanatory.
Syntax: curl
Important Flags
- Continuing a download
You can see that I continued the download by setting the — continue-at <offset> to a — (hyphen; which is to continue download by automatically identifying the offset)
- Saving the file with the name it was saved on the server.
Yea my internet *****. That speed is in bytes.
Last notes
- Above shown table is just a list of v. few flags that can be used with curl. I encourage you to read the man-page on curl yourself.
- curl doesn’t only work on HTTP/HTTPS/FTP protocol it works on Telnet, POP, IMAP and a lot more. You can find a complete list of protocols on it’s man page or here.
- Just a sidenote: You can use curl as an alternative to wget, while transferring privesc scripts from attack box to the host system.
- curl command in Linux with Examples — GeeksforGeeks
- curl — How To Use
- 15 Tips On How to Use ‘Curl’ Command in Linux (
Q.1: Which flag allows you to limit the download/upload rate of a file?
Answer: — limit-rate
Q.2: How will you curl the webpage of specifying user-agent as ‘juzztesting’
Answer: curl -A ‘juzztesting’
Q.3: Can curl perform upload operations?(Yea/Nah)
Answer: yea
Task 11: WebGoat or webGet
You definitely have known the command line way of downloading stuff with wget command, and thus this is gonna be a quick guide to that tool.
Syntax: wget protocol://
Important Flags
Note: wget supports ftp, http and https. There are a lot more flags than the current list, check out the man page online to read more about it.
- Downloading a file with different name
- Specifying logfile as log.txt with timestamping enabled
Q.1: How will you enable time logging at every new activity that this tool initiates?
Answer: -N
Q.2: What command will you use to download using wget, appending logs to an existing file named “package-logs.txt”
Answer: wget -a package-logs.txt
Q.3: Write the command to read URLs from “file.txt” and limit the download speed to 1mbps.
Answer: wget -i file.txt — limit-rate=1m
Task 12: ROFL
Indeed it is, XXD(if you remove the first X, or a 4 eye rofl won’t be scary at all) nvm, let’s start with a lovely command, which is well known for hexdumps or even the reverse. This command is not very vast to explore, but still knowing this command thoroughly will help you handling hex strings and hex digits. Whetheryou’re playing ctfs, or bypassing JWT with automation, xxd can do it all. This command can take input from a file or the input can be passed through piping or redirection.
Important Flags
- Just in case if you been wondering -g flag sets the number of bytes in one column of a row and -c flags sets the number of bytes in one row. Now, if -g is set to 10 but -c is set to 9(means bytes specified in one row is less than the size of a group), then there will only be one column and the group size will fall back to the limit specified by the column bytes. -c flag precedes over -g.
- Use of -E flag (For curious minds)
Also, just so you know EBCDIC is Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange.
- Output in binary and C include format
- Specifying a length
Note that, rest of the words got discarded as the length was only 12 bytes(which included space at the end #0x20)
- Seeking an offset
Notice that the output seeked at the 0x10th(16th) byte and started dumping the file.
- Seeking at offset from the end of the file.
Just by appending the offset’s value with a hyphen the command starts dumping from the end of the file.
Sidenote: There is a difference between -s +offset
and -s offset
while seeking through stdin. I am not gonna go in brief explaining the difference just keep in mind that if there is error while seeking offset through stdin, try redirecting stdin to a file and then perform hexdump with xxd that might solve your problem.
Q.1: How will you seek at 10th byte(in hex) in file.txt and display only 50 bytes?
Answer: xxd -s 0xa -l 50 -b file.txt
Q.2: How to display a n bytes of hexdump in 3 columns with a group of 3 octets per row from file.txt? (Use flags alphabetically)
Answer: xxd -c 9 -g 3 file.txt
Q.3: Which has more precedence over the other -c flag or -g flag?
Answer: -c
Q.4: Download the file and find the value of flag.
Task 13: The Last of Us
Let’s start with the commands I found after doing a | sort | uniq
search on the first word on every line in my ~/.bash_history(31337 commands got listed. This task won't include nmap/gobuster commands, because that's not what this room is about).
In case you’re wondering, how I got custom .bash_history size, I edited my .bashrc file in home directory
gpg command
Sidenote: GPG(Gnu Privacy Guard) and PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) are 2 different types of encryption. PGP is based on RSA encryption, whereas GPG(open-source) is a re-write of PGP and by default uses AES encryption.
- You should be knowing about PGP and GPG keys when you find a file encrypted with GPG encryption. Thus below are some resources to easily know more about gpg: the command line tool.
tar command
- Whether if it is a gzip archive or a bzip archive, encrypting and decrypting can be easily done by this tool. Do check out the man page for tar
man tar
- Linux Tar Commands Cheatsheet | Never Ending Security (
- tar command in Linux with examples — GeeksforGeeks
id/pwd/uname commands
- Let’s not forget the legends that we deploy on the battlefield after getting init shell access on a machine.
ps/kill commands
- List processes, and kill processes with PID. To know more about ps command you can find some help here.
netstat command
- This amazing command lists any network activity on the current system. Any ports that are open/listening/not-established, connection can be listed using this command.
- Make sure to check out this command’s man page and read more about this.
- Also know this, that there is an alternate to netstat command which does the pretty much same as netstat, i.e.
(socket statistics) command(lists port activity in real time).
- Ultimate Netstat Cheat Sheet — Master Netstat in 20 Minutes (
- netstat(8) — Linux man page (
- SS — Socket Statistics Commands Cheatsheet | Never Ending Security (
less/more commands
- These are another 2 awesome commands that offer an alternate to open and read the file. What’s the difference? more is an old command and less was built to better the more command. More on one hand has limited backward scrolling, whereas as less has forward and backward navigation including better search options (/).
- Again, more is lovely in it’s own way, I remember I got shell while doing a box from vulnhub using more command (that ssh shell was keep exiting after a successful login, I piped the session in more command and got shell through !/bin/sh. That challenge was something like, reduce your term size to only one line and open the ssh session piping into more command and then run !/bin/sh in more’s command pallete, which I can’t seem to re-create now). Sadly, I don’t remember the box anymore. If you remember the box somehow, reach out to me please.
- There is one more command which was created to improve some of
features, most command; It is not installed by default on some linux distros, you can install it withsudo apt install most
diff command
- At the very basic of it’s use, this command compares the character byte-by-byte and tries to find what is the difference between 2 files. Though this can ONLY compare 2 files at a time. Wanna learn more about this command, checkout resources.
- There is also another command known as comm. This command compares 2 sorted files line by line. As diff tries to find any difference between the files, comm is more focused to find out what is common in between 2 files. Checkout resources to learn more.
- Comparing files and directories with the diff and comm Linux commands | Network World
- diff command in Linux with examples — GeeksforGeeks
- comm command in Linux with examples — GeeksforGeeks
base64 command
- Why go to online sites when you can decode base32 and base64 at your own terminal.
tee command
- Ever wondered, that you want to view the output in real-time and save the output in a file at the same time? Well standard redirection doesn’t allow that. No worries, tee command is to the rescue. It reads from stdin and writes to the stdout and files as well.
- A small handy tool that I use every time with linpeas to read my script results in real time and also saving the output at the machine’s /tmp directory.
- You can use it with -a flag to don’t overwrite an existing file instead just append some more.
file/stat commands
- File command reads the file headers and tells you what the file actually is(inspite of what extension is used). Similarly is stat command, which gives you a file’s/file system’s status.
export command
- This command is used to set the environment variables(The variables that got set whenever a shell/user session is opened). You can read more about this command through here.
reset command
- Say if your terminal is not working properly, any problem is occurring, but you can’t afford to close the shell, you’re just one
command away to get your shell back to normal.
systemctl/service command
command is a normal command to initialize services present in /etc/init.d, without making an admin worrying too much about the permanent system changes,systemctl
on the other hand is a heavy command(doing pretty much the same job, just on systemd's level; systemd is a service manager in linux systems) which can hinder with the default settings. For eg. services initialized by systemctl stays in systemd's directory (directory which holds what program to run when a linux system boots up). Thus the programs initialized by systemctl boots up with system.- With
you can only use commands related to that particular service (reload, start, stop, status etc), and with a powerful tool likesystemctl
, you get to control the state of "systemd" system and service manager.
Note: If you don’t know what you’re doing, try using service
instead, to avoid any unwanted service to stop/disable/masked, which might not fix even on a fresh boot up. Backing up your important files has always been a good habit.
- Difference between Systemctl and service command — Stack Overflow
- Systemctl Cheatsheet ( (A small cheatsheet you wanna read before working with systemctl).
Read the last learning task.
Q.1: It’s safe to run systemctl command and experiment on your main linux system neither following a proper guide or having any prior knowledge? (Right/Wrong)
Answer: wrong
Q.2: resetHow will you import a given PGP private key. (Suppose the name of the file is key.gpg)
Answer: gpg — import key.gpg
Q.3: How will you list all port activity if netstat is not available on a machine? (Full Name)
Answer: Socket Statistics
Q.4: What command can be used to fix a broken/irregular/weird acting terminal shell?
Answer: reset
Q.5: Press F to pay respect
Answer: F
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